Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School

The staff at Littlemoor Primary are committed to the inclusion of all pupils. We aim to: • Provide an environment which enables pupils to be safe and healthy • Value every individual and enable them to enjoy their learning, achieve their full potential • Enable every pupil to make a positive contribution to their school and community • Identify and respond to pupils' diverse and individual needs • Identify and overcome barriers to learning • Set suitable learning challenges for every pupil

Our objectives are to: • Provide an environment which fosters a close partnership with parents and carers • Promote the self-worth and self-esteem of all who learn and work at Littlemoor Primary • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the requirements of National Curriculum and the Foundation Stage curriculum • Promote early identification, assessment and provision for children with SEN • Promote early identification, assessment and provision for children who have additional needs. These include English as an Additional Language  children, children from families who are asylum seekers or refugees, looked after children, travellers, children who are at risk of exclusion and gifted and talented children • Provide quality first teaching with differentiated teaching resources matched to the needs of the children ensuring access to the curriculum for all pupils • Provide effective relationships with external agencies

The SENCO who is a member of the Senior Management Team works closely with the headteacher to implement this policy day to day and co-ordinate the provision for SEN pupils throughout school. 

The school’s SEN register includes children who have been identified by the school and other agencies as having some additional needs and are monitored internally.  This is carried out using data from school's assessment criteria and information and assessments carried out by external agencies. 

Our schools Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mr M. Allen who holds the diploma in Special Educational Needs co-ordination. He supports the class teachers and TLRs to ensure appropriate provision is made and monitored.

The Governor with specific responsibility for SEN and Inclusion is Mrs S. Nix.

The SENCO will:

  • Work in partnership with colleagues, parents/carers, children and outside agencies to set, monitor and review short-term objectives on individual education/behaviour plans

  • Monitor the achievement of children on the SEN register and those who have additional needs

  • Provide professional guidance and continuing professional development for all staff to secure quality teaching and effective use of resources for these pupils

  • Keep an up to date SEN register and individual provision map

  • Maintain and evaluate records and progress made by pupils with SEN

The provision for Inclusion will be monitored by:

  • Review meetings between class teacher and SENCO as appropriate

  • Reviews with parents

  • Analysis of data

  • School Development Plan

  • Regular meetings between SENCO and TLRs

  • Monitoring of classroom practice and provision

The school has been built with adherence to DFES guidelines and access is provided for anyone with mobility problems. It also has been built in accordance with the DFES guidelines for Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired children.

All children are treated as individuals and the class teacher, alongside other support staff, plan an appropriately differentiated curriculum for children with additional needs to ensure high quality teaching and learning with effective support and resource. Our curriculum is highly topic based and allows all children and those with SEN to see a purpose in their learning.

All children are informally assessed by the class teacher in English and maths upon entry.  Appropriate support and resources are then put in place. Progress is closely monitored through regular assessment and tracked Pre Key stage outcomes or Year group outcomes.

Individual pupil risk assessments include behaviour targets which  are used to set manageable targets and monitor progress of those pupils with Behaviour issues on the SEN register.

Internal referrals to the SENCO can be made at any time by staff.

Staff are kept informed and updated about SEN issues and pupils on the SEN register by the SENCO or other key staff through a sharepoint site.

Support for SEN children will be allocated through the use of available funding (FFI and whole school SEN budget). This money is then used to fund resources for children with SEN. This includes; • Employing staff to work with SEN children • Training Staff • Purchasing equipment and resources • Buying in extra support e.g. Purchase of extra hours from Speech and Language therapy. • Employing a Hearing Impaired co-ordinator • Employing a Teaching Assistant to carry out individual Speech and Language programmes. • Supporting transition to other settings including transport • Visits to sporting, cultural and music events.

We regularly review the training needs in relation to SEN provision and provide in house and outside agency training to meet the identified needs.  This includes training for interventions.

We have developed specialism’s of working with children with Hearing Impairments.  We have also received training for staff to work with children with dyslexia and autism.

Attainment is monitored by the SENCO working alongside the assessment co-ordinator and TLRs.

The behaviour of children who are at risk of exclusion is closely monitored. Short term targets are set which are monitored and reviewed by a member of the Leadership Team, class teacher and the pupil. These may take the form of a daily target sheet. An Individual Behaviour Plan is put in place and is reviewed termly by the SENCO and class teacher. Advice and support from outside agencies is sought if necessary. If required the children will have an individual risk assessment and Positive Handling Plan. Key staff trained in Team Teach.

As a school we seek to work in partnership with parents, carers, the LEA, Health and social services. All looked after children will have their needs assessed regularly. Specific needs will be identified and individual targets set in a Personal Education Plan. This is initiated by Social services.

The school makes good use of outside agencies, seeking support and advice to maintain the high standard of provision.  We have good links with;

  • Educational Psychology Team

  • Deaf and Hearing Impairment Team

  • Occupational therapy

  • Speech and language therapy

  • Visual impairment team

  • School Nurses

  • Paediatrician

  • Complex Needs service

  • Extended Schools


  • Attendance team

  • Stars Team


Links and partnerships are developed with Leeds City Council and other outside agencies to provide support and advice to enable the school to meet pupil needs effectively.

It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to ensure that: • The Governors are involved in developing and monitoring the schools SEN / Inclusion Policy • All Governors are informed about the schools provision for children who have special or additional needs • Inclusion is part of the School Development Plan and that training and development needs of staff are identified and addressed Dealing with complaints • If a parent wishes to complain about the provision or the policy, they should, in the first instance, raise it with the SENCO, who will try to resolve the situation • If the issue can not be resolved within 10 working days, the parent submit a formal complaint to the Headteacher in writing or any other accessible format. The Headteacher will reply within 10 working days • Any issues that remain unresolved at this stage will be managed according to the schools/Education Leeds Complaints Policy. This is available, on request, from the school office

  • Financial resources of the school

  • Cost of the aid or service

  • Effectiveness of the aid

  • Effect on other pupils

  • Health and safety requirements

Provisions already made by the SEN Framework

We welcome and encourage parents/carers to participate in their child’s educational progress from the outset, seeing them as equal partners

We will endeavour to foster effective partnerships, valuing parent/carer views and contributions and will draw attention to the availability of relevant and accessible information, support and advice (e.g Leeds SEND Information Advice Service). Where possible translation/interpreter services can be made available.

We invite parents/carers to discuss their child’s needs termly. This may be part of a parents evening/review day.

Schools accessibility plan 21-23

Action Person Responsible Cost How Success Criteria Evaluation
Ensure that all school trips & residential visits are accessible for pupils with learning or physical disabilities. Head Teacher SLT Educational Visits Leader Visit leaders Leaders planning time for risk assessments Pre-visits where possible Thorough planning. Advance visits. Risk assessments. All children on school and residential trips who wish to go.  
Ensure that after-school clubs and care provision facilities are accessible for all pupils. PE Leader Leaders of after-school clubs Budget for clubs provision New equipment as needed Ensure access is available for all pupils including those with physical or sensory disabilities. Provide adult support if necessary. Make physical adaptations as required. All children who wish to join an after school club should be able to.  
Ensure the new curriculum is fully accessible to pupils with any type of difficulty or disability All Staff Subject leaders Advisors for sensory impairments Subject advisors New curriculum costs Resources Subject leader release time Consider alternative communication systems. Consider the way in which information is presented to pupils. Consider ways in which pupils can communicate their ideas.    

The whole accessibility policy can be downloaded  here Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School accesibility plan.


Leeds City Council Chief Executive makes all offers of a school place for Reception on behalf of the Governors, who are the admissions authority. Headteachers or school-based staff are not authorised to offer a child a place for these year groups. The authority to convey the offer of a place has been delegated to schools for places in other year groups. Children with an Educational Health Care Plan will be admitted to the school named on their EHCP. Priority 1b Pupils without a statement but who have Special Educational Needs, or with exceptional medical or mobility needs, that can only be met at a Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School: This is at the discretion of the headteacher and Governing board. Leeds City Council promotes inclusion in local schools and it is an expectation in Leeds that all mainstream schools are able to provide for the majority of children with learning and medical disabilities. It is also an expectation that all Leeds schools provide an inclusive and nurturing environment that can meet the needs of those vulnerable children who have social and emotional needs. Children with exceptional needs who require additional support above that expected of a mainstream school will usually have a statement of SEN. In some instances there are some children with a particular need such as a significant physical disability or complex sensory impairment who require the expertise only found in a particular school. e.g. blind children who need to access Braille. It is these instances where priority for admission may need to be considered. Applications in this category must be supported by a SEN SIF, available from the Admissions Team, which must include a statement in writing from a paediatrician/doctor or other relevant professional who can evidence why a particular provision is needed over another. The statement must also evidence why the school of choice is the only school that can meet the particular need in question. This is necessary as the LA will be assessing if your child has a stronger case than other children. Advice and support can be sought from the Parent Partnership Service on 0113 395 1222. The full admissions policy is available in policy section

The first thing to do if you are unhappy with something at school is to speak to your child’s class teacher and/or the school SENCO. There is a SENCO in every school and they are responsible for coordinating provision for children with SEN. If you are still unhappy, you should talk to the headteacher. Many children with SEN will have their needs met by schools and local authorities without the need to make a formal complaint. If things do go wrong, though, it is very important that parents are able to use informal and formal complaints procedures to remedy the situation as soon as possible.

There are different avenues you can take when making a complaint; it very much depends on what your complaint is about.. Your local parent support team known as SENDIAS  https://familyinformation.leeds.gov.uk/sendiass will be able to support and advise you through making a complaint. Speak to the school If you cannot resolve a problem informally, ask for a copy of the school’s complaints procedure which is on the website. Complaining to the governing body Every school has a governing body. School complaint procedures usually end with complaining to the governing body of the school. A complaint to the governing body should be addressed to the chair of governors. Try to include precise details of dates, times, meetings and decisions that may help the governing body understand the substance of your complaint. Explain what has happened to you or your child as a result of the school’s action or inaction. Say what you would like the governing body to do to put things right. The governing body is likely to pass your complaint to a panel of governors. They may invite you to a meeting to put your case in more detail. They should follow the rules of natural justice. These say that: • no member should have a vested interest in the outcome or any involvement in an earlier stage of the procedure • each side should be given the opportunity to state their case without unreasonable interruption • written material must have been seen by all parties • if new issues arise, parties should be given the opportunity to consider and comment on them.

What do I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
There are two options. 1. Discuss with class teacher 2. Discuss with the SENCO Mr Allen.
Both have open door policies.
What will the school do if they think your child has Special educational needs?
The school will contact you, arrange a meeting to discuss concerns and inform you when your child is placed on SEN register.
How will the school support my child?
The class teacher in consultation with the parents and the SENCO will draw up a set of goals for your child. A plan will be put in place to achieve those goals and provision added in order to achieve these.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
As part of the plan your child’s best learning style will be discussed. The school will use their best endeavour to adapt the curriculum and teaching styles to match your child’s needs. Some examples are;
• Changing groups/ seating
• Extra resources to allow access to curriculum.
• Intervention groups to work on a specific need
• Differentiation of work
How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning?
In addition to normal reports and parents evenings where staff will have been briefed by SENCO on any developments, there will be an opportunity each year to discuss your child’s SEN needs with the SENCO. This can be a face to face meeting or via email or phone. School offer workshops in Foundation, KS1 and LKS2 about helping your child in various aspects of the curriculum. You can also discuss how to help during your input to the plan for your child’s SEN education.
Your child’s progress will be monitored and as targets are achieved this will be communicated to you.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
The school has a Learning mentor who works closely with the SENCO in providing pastoral care. Mr Allen is the designated teacher for Child Protection and works with Social Care. Copies of the Health and Safety Policy, medicines, care plans, intimate care, inclusion and data protection can be obtained from school.
What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?
The SENCO has the diploma of SEN co-ordination. Many of the staff have BSL qualifaications ranging from BSL level 1 to level 3. The school has a Deaf Studies group, and regular visits from teacher of the Deaf and Deaf Instructors. It has experience in working with.
• Educational Psychology Team
• Deaf and Hearing Impairment Team
• Occupational therapy
• Speech and language therapy
• Visual impairment team
• School Nurses
• Paediatrician
• Complex Needs service
• Extended Schools
• Attendance team
What training do staff supporting children with SEND have?
All staff have recently had Deaf Awareness training. Specific staff who are working with children have been trained in autism and dyslexia.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom.
Children who have Special Educational Needs Disability will with some adaptations be able to access all extra curricula clubs. Provision will be made to allow them to go on school trips and visits.
How accessible is the school?
The school was built in 2005. It is accessible to all children who have a physical or sensory disability.
How will school help my child on transfer to the next phase of education?
School will support parents in choosing the next school for their child. We will arrange with that school transition visits. These will be supported by school and school staff in the past have attended and transported children to these visits.
How are parents involved in the school and how can I be involved?
School has a Parent Teachers Association which any parent is welcome to join. Parents are able, following the necessary checks to volunteer to support in areas such as reading.
Who can I contact for further information?
The first point of contact is Mr Allen or the Office. Please phone school to make an appointment.

This information was written in 2015. It was reviewed by the Curriculum Governors committee, two parents of SEN children. It was reviewed in 2016 by Governors and no changes were made It was reviewed in 2017 by Governors and changes were made. It will be fully reviewed by parents and consultation in 2018.  Reviewed in 2021 and small changes made. Reviewed in September 2021 and small changes made.

 SEND annual report 23.docxDownload
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