Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School

  1. News
  2. Blackbird News
  3. Welcome Back Blackbirds

Welcome Back Blackbirds

21 April 2023 (by Martin ALLEN (Deputy))

It was lovely to see all the children come back to school with such an enthusiasm. We have had our last week exploring our Viking topic before moving on to Creeping Coasts next week. This week  we learnt about the different foods VIkings would have eaten and how this would have been stored and preserved. We created a Viking menu and a particular favourite was whale and carrot stew!

In English we have made a good start on our next piece of writing - an instruction text explaining how to train a dragon. This week, as well as looking at the features of an instructon text, the children spent time creating their dragons - there were some incredibly interesting (and violent) creatures being imagined!

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

The Blackbird Team