Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School


Nightingales are a Year Four class and the teacher is Miss Foster supported by Mrs Hayward, Miss Catton and Miss Tattersdale.

Our main topics for this year include:

Busy Bodies where we will find out about digestion, bones and much more.

Once Upon a Time in the Stone Age where we will delve into the history of the Stone Age period. 

Welcome to Yorkshire where we will explore the geography of our local area.


Each topic includes either a class visit or a workshop to excite and engage the children, as well as to enhance the learning experience.



Swimming is on Wednesday and Outdoor P.E. on Thursdays. Children need to arrive dressed for PE on these days. 

Homework is being given out on Friday this year and needs to be returned on Tuesday mornings with house points awarded for effort and accuracy.

Please keep practising your spellings and time tables (plus the linked division facts), as it is so important.

This year all Years Four children will take part in a national times table test which involves knowing all their times tables up to 12x12. Please also practise telling the time at home as a lot of children find this very tricky.


We are using Times Table Rock Stars in school to help the children learn their times tables. 



Games to support your child for Spelling and Maths


Times tables and other Maths



Times tables


Telling the time



 .2. LKS2 Maths and spellings evening..pdfDownload
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