Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School

  1. News
  2. Kestrel News
  3. Welcome back Kestrels

Welcome back Kestrels

21 April 2023 (by Martin ALLEN (Deputy))

We've had a full-on first week back after the holidays! Well done everyone for coming back with such great focus!

In PSHE, we have been thinking about the dangers of stereotyping individuals, and have enjoyed evaluating television adverts aimed at young people. What a reflective and fair-minded group of people we have in our class! Linked to this, some of our Year 5s have this week applied to become Mindmate Mental Health Ambassadors for school, and will, if successful, be excellent in the role of promoting good mental health throughout school - well done Year 5!

We have also been enjoying our new fish and chip shop role play, connected to our new topic of Creeping Coasts (although we have spent most of our topic time this week completing our Viking folders of work - almost there now!).

Today we have started a new PE unit of work on Orienteering, and thoroughly enjoyed reading maps and searching the meadow for clues (until the heavens opened!). We are looking forward to building on these teamwork and communication skills next week, when we will have to guide each other around the course blindfolded!!

Keep up the good work Kestrels! Have a lovely weekend!